We are pleased to present Timo Karlsson, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI) as one of the keynotes of #Winterwind2021!
Timo received his M.Sc. degree form Aalto University in 2012, from the School of electrical engineering, with speciality in automation and control engineering. He has been employed at VTT since 2011 working as a research scientist in VTT Wind power technologies group. During his time at VTT Timo has been working on numerous R&D projects related especially to wind power technology development. These projects have covered developing signal processing tools for wind turbine performance assessment and automatic ice detection, control system design for blade heating system, embedded system development, and development of GIS tools for icing risk assessment for wind power applications. He is currently the operating agent of IEA Wind Task 19: Wind power in cold climates.

IEA Wind Task 19: Cold climate wind market study
Wind power deployment in cold climate conditions has been growing steadily for several years now, at the same time the technologies related to cold climate are becoming more mature. Cold climate sites are attractive due to high wind speeds, and increased production due to low temperature. In cold climate areas wind farms can be built on remote locations away from populated areas. In Europe, the best sites to build large onshore wind power plants tend to be in cold climate areas.
IEA Wind Task 19 has been following the growth of the wind power market for a some time now. Initially the first global cold climate market study in BTM World Market Update report 2012[1]. Then at Winterwind 2017, a follow-up was presented. The estimates made in 2012 were found to be slightly overestimating the number of sites at severe icing conditions and underestimating the light icing sites. Overall the forecast was quite close.
The horizon of the study done in 2015 ended in 2020. An outlook on the present state of the cold climate market size will be presented and the accuracy of the previous growth estimates is evaluated.
Also a new forecast for a five year horizon will be presented based on publicly available climate data, VTT global icing atlas, and databases on wind power sites. Growth estimate will be made based on forecasts of the growth of onshore wind power market globally.
The approach used in the study will divide the cold climate market into partially overlapping segments: Low temperature sites and icing sites. Low temperatures create their own set of issues for operations in those areas but not all low temperature sites are in icing conditions. Similarly, majority of wind power sites that suffer from icing conditions are not low temperature sites. Definitions of these terms, the methods used to estimate the market size and the results on country level will be presented.
Check out the preliminary program here!
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