Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts for Winterwind 2019

Call for abstract is extended until Nov 7.

A preliminary Winterwind 2019 program will be available by Nov 23 based on the abstracts received in the following R&D areas:
01. Forecasting, cloud physics and aerodynamics
02. De-/anti-icing including new technologies, ice detection & control incl. standards
03. Pre-construction site assessment, measurements, models and standards
04. Operational experiences incl. performance optimization, big data, production losses and repairs
05. Onshore turbines, aerodynamics, loads and control
06. Wind turbine manufacturers – cold climate solutions, test centres, turbines and components
07. Laboratory and full-scale testing, small wind turbines
08. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) incl. noise
09. Inspection, operation, maintenance and repair
10. Market potential, finance, risk assessment, bankability and mitigation
11. Offshore and near offshore – access, foundations incl. artificial islands
12. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
13. Other
Only abstracts relevant to wind power located at cold climate sites, i.e. in low temperature and icing conditions, will be considered. Winterwind is a scientific and shared experiences conference. The program committee will favor presentations conveying a) recent research (theories, methods and verifications)b) independent comparisons (carried out by universities, test institutes, certification bodies etc.) of methods and products as well as c) practical operational methods and experiences. The only purely commercial oral presentations allowed will be those carried out by the wind turbine manufacturers. Commercial product activities are to be held in the exhibition hall.

Welcome to submit your abstract.
